Projects and Funding Statuses

Current projects are below. (Figures are rounded but very close approximations)

Costs can change based on many factors, such as rising capital costs, dwindling grant funding, climate impact, etc.  
Surcharges if implemented, begin once the SRF (State Revolving Fund) loans have been implemented for construction. 

The City continues their efforts to obtain additional grants or other alternative funding sources in order to reduce impact on the end users.

The following information will be updated regularly.

*Details Below Chart
Estimated Project CostsGrant Funding Source(s)
(Approximate Amounts)
Estimated Start Date of Construction
SRF Loan(s)
Related Resolutions

Sanitary Sewer Upgrade and Expansion - Highway 14/16 Phase I*

$8 Million

State ARPA - $2.46 Million

Local ARPA - $1.8 Million

OLDCC - $398,000


SRF Loan #C461003-02 - $1.54 Million

SD Board of Water & Natural Resources loan application - $2 Million (in the application process)

SRF Loan #C461003-02:
  1. Resolution Authorizing Financial Assistance. No. 23-23
  2. Resolution giving permission for improvements. No. 23-22
  3. Resolution providing a surcharge. No. 23-10
SD Board of Water & Natural Resources Loan:
  1. Resolution Authorizing Financial Assistance. No. 23-25
  2. Resolution giving permission for improvements. No. 23-22
  3. Resolution providing a surcharge.

Prairie View Water Tank Replacement & Tower Road Water Main Extension*

$6.1 Million

State ARPA- $1.875 Million

OLDCC - $263,373

 Tower Road Water Main Extension Completed. 

Prairie View Water Tank estimated in 2024/2025

SRF Loan #C462003-03 - $4.33 Million

  1. Resolution Authorizing Financial Assistance. No. 23-25
  2. Resolution giving permission for improvements. No. 23-26  
  3. Resolution providing a surcharge. No. 23-29

Cheyenne Boulevard/ Westgate/ South Box Elder Sanitary Sewer Installation*

 $6.2 Million

 SDDANR Loan Forgiveness (Grant) -       $3.28 Million



SRF Loan #C461003-03 - $2.976 Million

  1.  Resolution Authorizing Financial Assistance. No. 22-22
  2. Resolution giving permission for improvements.  No. 23-07
  3. Resolution providing a surcharge. No. 23-24
Drinking Water Improvements*$6.63 MillionNo Grants AwardedTBASRF Loan #C462003-04 - $6.63 Million
  1. Resolution Authorizing Financial Assistance. No. 22-21
  2. Resolution giving permission for improvements. No. 23-08
  3. Resolution Amending surcharge. No. 23-49

Funding Sources:
ARPA - American Rescue Plan Act
SDDANR - South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources
SRF - State Revolving Fund: Low interest loan

OLDCC- Department of Defense Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation

Sanitary Sewer Upgrade & Expansion - Highway 14/16:

*The project proposed is to replace and upsize approximately 13,000 feet of sewer main on Box Elder Road, 13,500 feet located in the Highway 14/16 median, and install 16,460 feet of collection lines for development on 151st.

  • Project estimated cost: $8 Million
    • State ARPA Grant - $2.46 Million
    • Local ARPA Grant - $1.8 Million
    • OLDCC Grant - $398,000
    • SRF Loans- $3.5 Million
  • Estimated start date for construction: 2025

Prairie View Water Tank Replacement/Tower Road Water Main Extension:

*General improvements to the drinking water system, including an extension of 12 inch water main on Tower Road and replacing the Prairie View Water Tank.

  • Project estimated cost: $6.1 Million
    • SDDANR Grant - $1.857 Million (ARPA funds)
    • OLDCC Grant - $263,373
    • SRF Loan - $4.33 Million
  • Tower Road Water Main Extension Completed.
  • Estimated start date for Prairie View Water Tank: 2024/2025

Cheyenne Boulevard/Westgate/South Box Elder Sanitary Sewer Installation:

*Installation of sanitary sewer piping of varying sizes and related appurtenances in the areas of Cheyenne Boulevard, Westgate Road and South Box Elder Road to accommodate future residential and commercial expansions.

  • Project estimated cost: $6.2 Million
    • SDDANR Grant - $3.28 Million (Loan Forgiveness)
    • OLDCC Grant - $522,000
    • SRF Loan - $2.976 Million
  • Estimated start date for construction: 2025

Drinking Water Improvements:

*Upsizing Line Road Water main to 12-inch PVC pipe, installation of new equipment for Well #7 including pump house and controls. Upsizing current and adding new water mains for Gumbo Drive, Douglas Road and Country Road, as well as replacement of Cheyenne Pass and Northern Lights water storage tank liners.

  • Project estimated cost: $6.63 Million
    • SRF Loan - $6.63 Million
  • Estimated start date for construction: TBA