General Information
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
Physical: 206 Frontage Road
Mailing: 420 Villa Drive
Box Elder,

Scott Lange
City Engineer

Justin Davis
Assistant City Engineer


2025 Master Transportation Plan - REQUESTING PUBLIC INPUT

This plan builds on the 2014 Transportation Plan and is coordinated with updates from the 2024 Comprehensive Plan to create a safe, efficient, and connected transportation network in Box Elder. For more information on the study and to provide your input, please click here.
Note: This will take you to another website. 

Stormwater Management Plan - REQUESTING PUBLIC INPUT

The H&H Study will identify major drainage routes to be protected as development occurs and identify existing and future drainage facilities that are needed to adequately manage stormwater runoff from a basin-wide perspective. To provide your input, please click here.
Note: This will take you to another website. 


For updated information regarding current projects out for bid, please visit the Bid Notices page. 


Improve the standard of living in the community, promote long-term and sustainable growth, increase life safety and safeguard property through the implementation of engineering standards, all while upholding fiscal responsibility for City infrastructure. 

  • Administer and manage the capital improvement program (CIP)
  • Communicate with city council, city staff, and residents on engineering matters in a non-technical manner 
  • Plan for infrastructure growth
  • Coordinate with private developers to ensure plans conform to City standards
  • Review and inspect construction projects for conformance with City standards
  • Maintain design standards and construction specifications