General Information
Phone Numbers
605-923-1408 Inspections 605-791-8138
Emergencies: Dial 911
206 Frontage Rd
Box Elder,

Lauralee Patton
Director of Planning and Zoning

Application and Permits

Change of Occupancy/Use Application

Change of Occupancy/Use Application

Conditional Use Permit

A Conditional Use permit allows a use that requires special consideration at a location when it is shown that such use is appropriate for the location and will comply with the intent of the zoning district when specified conditions are met. Uses that require a Conditional Use Permit are listed under Conditional Uses in the Zoning Ordinance.

View Conditional Use Permit

Contractors License

A Contractor License is required for all general, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and roofing contractors operating within the City. Subcontractors operating under a licensed general contractor are required to have their own license.

For additional information, please contact: 

Floodplain Development Permit 

A floodplain development permit is required before obtaining any other permit or before beginning work to alter or build in an area of special flood hazard. Restrictions and requirements for development can be found in the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance. Information on special flood hazard areas can be found on FEMA Flood Map

View Floodplain Development Permit Application

Grading Permit

A Grading Permit is required for the excavation, grading, fill of earth or other materials on areas greater than 1 acre; previously undisturbed areas; drainage easements, flood hazard areas; construction of roads or utilities; or the installation or alteration of culverts. Information on special flood hazard areas can be found on FEMA Flood Map

View Grading Permit

Hay Lot Application

View Hay Lot Application

Minor Plat

A minor plat involves the consolidation of five or fewer previously platted parcels, or the subdivision of a previously platted parcel into five or fewer lots where there is no requirement for right-of-way improvements or public infrastructure improvements. Minor plats may also be permitted for the adjustment of a common lot line between ten or fewer parcels of land.

View Minor Plat Application

Pre-Application Meeting

A Pre-Application meeting is a meeting you can schedule to have staff provide feedback on your proposal, as well as have any questions answered before you submit any applications.  A Pre-Application meeting is not required but is encouraged.  

View Pre Application Meeting Request Form

Preliminary Plan Application

A Preliminary Plan is a tentative plan of a proposed subdivision requiring the installation of public improvements. Approval of a Preliminary Plan is required before an applicant can proceed with development engineering plans and a final plat application.

View Preliminary Plan Application

Project Permit 

A Project Permit is required for all residential and non-residential building projects in the City of Box Elder. This permit consolidates the previous building permit, sewer and water permit, and temporary construction utility account into a single application. Please allow an average processing time of one business week for residential projects and two business weeks for non-residential projects. Processing times may vary during peak seasons.

View Project Permit Application

Rezoning Application

A Rezoning Application is required to change the zoning district that applies to a property. Approval and adoption of an ordinance changing the zoning of the property is required before any changes to the use of the property may proceed or before further permits may be issued.

View Rezoning Application

Right-of-Way Work Permit Application

This permit is needed for any work being done in City right of ways.

View Right of Way Work Permit Application

Sign Permit Application

View Sign Permit Application

Vacation of Right-of-Way / Section Line Application

A Vacation of Right-of-Way or Vacation of Section Line is the process that eliminates public rights-of-way that are no longer needed for public access or utilities.

View Vacation of Right-of-Way / Section Line Application

Voluntary Annexation 

A Voluntary Annexation is the process of requesting to move a parcel adjacent to city limits into the City limits. 

 View Annexation Application 

Zoning Variance Application

A Zoning Variance is a modification of the zoning district requirements for a specific location where the enforcement of the requirements would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship. Variances typically include modifications of required setbacks or lot size requirements.

View Variance Application