Homepage News

PRESS RELEASE: City of Box Elder Continues Growth

City of Box Elder Continues Aggressive Sales Tax Growth December 18, 2024: Box Elder, SD.November sales tax numbers were just released by the South Dakota Department of Revenue showing the City of Bo…

Town Hall Meeting

THANK YOU to everyone who joined us for the first of what we intend to be future Town Halls. On December 4, 2024, the City of Box Elder and Ellsworth Air Force Base presented and discussed upcoming p…

Simulation Tool-City Budget and a Balancing Act

Welcome to the City of Box Elder's Budget Simulation!Please take part in this interactive simulation which will allow you to understand better implications from Initiated Measure-28 and how it applie…

Infrastructure Updates

You may have heard about upcoming changes to our water and wastewater systems. After consulting with external experts, the City Council has decided to proceed with vital upgrades to our infrastructur…

Prairie Road Reconstruction

Project Summary: • Reconstruction of Prairie Road. This includes a new asphalt surface, sidewalk, and storm sewer for improved drainage. This will be the first of two phases. Phase I will extend from…

Another Successful "Cleaning up the Box"!

Another successful community event - Cleaning up the Box!  We can’t thank you enough for helping clean up garbage around our wonderful city!  HUGE thank you to the sponsors for this event:  McDonald'…